Teste 2018-2019

Teste Artes Plásticas Contemporâneas
Diana V. Almeida
13 março 2019

Duração: 2h / Cotação I = 90 / II = 100 / Estrutura; argumentação; correção formal = 10

“There are various ways in which art from across time can be discussed, written about and presented to us in galleries and museums. These influence how we see art and indeed what it can be seen to do. We can enjoy art through art appreciation, art criticism and art history, all of which are different approaches to understanding, experiencing and seeing art. Art history brings an historical dimension to aspects of art appreciation, what we might term the aesthetic enjoyment of art, and art criticism. But this historical narrative imposes a chronology and with it comes the idea of progress through time. Our history books are full of events in the past that are presented as part of either the continual movement towards improvement, or as stories about great men or epochs of time that stand out from each other (…). Therefore, our judgments about art and our viewing of it are influenced by the way its history is told [which contributes to re-order our] visual experience. This can lead us to accept that writing about the history of art from the point of view of artists — usually ‘great men’ — or of artistic styles of the great epochs of the history of art (…) is the only way to do it. (…) This is encouraged by the ways in which art is displayed in many museums and galleries.”
Dana Arnold, “Looking”, A Short Book about Art, 9-35, 14-15.

Comente o excerto apresentado, tendo em conta o modelo programático desta unidade curricular e/ou a sua experiência enquanto visitante a um museu.


Barbara Kruger (1945-), Untitled (Thinking of You), 1999-2000
Serigrafia sobre vinil, 312.7 × 255.7 cm

Analise a obra acima reproduzida.


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